Mary-Rita works with a range of different age groups including adolescents (12 years plus), adults and families.
She specialises in the following areas of psychology:
Anxiety / Depression
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Adjustment Issues
Communication Skills
Confidence and Self Esteem
Educational Concerns and Learning Difficulties
Family or Parenting Concerns
Grief / Loss
Interview Skills for University Selection and Employment
Managing Emotions
Maintaining Relationships
Motivation / Study Skills /School Issues
Neurodiversity and Associated Issues
Resilience and Coping Skills
Social Connection and Interaction
Blended Families
Stress, Work Pressure / Conflict

Tuesday: 9.00am - 7.00pm
Wednesday: 9.00am - 7.00pm
Thursday: 9.00am - 7.00pm
(Face-to-face and Telehealth sessions available)

Fees, Claims and Rebates
Medicare – Mental Health Care Plan
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Private Health Insurance
Please note that fees are payable at the time of the consultation. A Medicare rebate is available to individuals who have been referred with a Mental Health Care Plan from their General Practitioner or Specialist under the Better Access to Mental Health Initiative. Initially, the client will be eligible for a Medicare rebate for six psychology sessions, after which, a follow-up appointment with the referring doctor for review is required. A further four sessions may be accessible under the Mental Health Care Plan.
If a client has private health extras/ancillary insurance, they may be eligible for a partial refund of the session depending on their level of private health cover. Please contact the health fund to enquire about eligibility.
Emergncy services are not provided
If you have urgent mental health issues to be addressed, please contact:
· Your local GP
· Austin Hospital Triage Service: 1300 859 789
· Eastern Child and Youth Mental Health Service: 1300 721 927
· Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
· Lifeline: 13 11 14
· Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636
· Attend the emergency department of your local hospital.